Darth Paradox (darthparadox) wrote,
Darth Paradox

Back in Michigan.

Flew back this afternoon. Summary of thoughts in note form, since I don't feel like a long entry:

  • Arriving at home at 3 and having the rest of the afternoon/evening to work with is really nice, particularly since I don't have to work tomorrow. Sora and I got some chores/errands done, then watched three eps of TNG. We need the relaxation.
  • Grandpa's service was very nice. It was an excellent remembrance of his life; he was an amazing man, and though he will be missed, I think he deserves some rest.
  • The evening before the funeral, the family got together for a dinner at my aunt's house. I met my cousin Jamie's girlfriend, who is as much of a geek as we are - they seem to have a similar dynamic to their relationship as Sora and I. They're moving out to Portland later this year; it'll be awesome to have them nearby.
  • Yesterday Sora and I got to go to the first game of the Stanley Cup finals in Detroit. So freaking awesome.. The Wings fought the Penguins tooth and nail for the first half of the game before managing to score the first goal - a textbook-perfect wraparound by Samuelsson - and the Pens basically disintegrated after that, losing 4-0 (on another goal by Samuelsson off a horrible defensive screwup, a one-timer by Cleary from an odd bounce off the back boards, and a power-play goal by Zetterberg in the final minute, just to seal the deal). Osgood was amazing, and if the Pens don't get their game together this will be a short series indeed.
  • I gave Sora her birthday presents upon our return (other than the trip to the hockey game, which she decided counted as presents). I gave her this and this. The Etsy store I got them from is full of nifty steampunkish jewelry; I highly recommend her work.
  • It figures that as soon as I set a launch date for Pyrlogos, I have to spend eleven days out of town. We'll see what I manage to do - but the comic will launch June 21st, as scheduled. Somehow.
That's about it, for now.

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