* I'm still taking fandom/character suggestions. I'll post later on with the list I've accumulated, but I'm up to just over 30 distinct fandoms (and probably well over a hundred characters) at this point. I've replied to a few of you, but I've added all the suggestions to the list, save for the ones relating to things I haven't seen/read/whatever and don't have specific plans to at some point.
* Friday's gaming night was awesome. I got to meet Carrie (
* I forget whether I've mentioned this here, but I'm helping design the next Microsoft Puzzle Hunt. I'm sworn to secrecy on the details, but I've gotten two of my puzzles playtested over the last two meetings, and they were well-received. This makes me all kinds of happy.
* Poker tonight. As of last Wednesday, I'm 4th in the league this month, but this is the first tournament I've been to since then, so we'll see what I can do to stay in the top 10 (and get extra chips in the monthly tournament). I believe tonight's the last tournament to get points for the monthly (which is a week from tomorrow)...
* Finally, a conversation with Sora last night led to an idea for an LJ meme. I just need to decide whether to turn to the dark side and post it....